Saying goodbye to a friend 🐕 Jake

Photo By: Billy Staggs Cahill

Our Golden Retriever Jake. 2021

It’s so hard to say goodbye to a dog you’ve had for 13 years. Our Jake had to be euthanized yesterday because he grew old and sick. He had spleen cancer, and it really started getting him down. He lived a long life in spite of his death! He was a fighter, but became too exhausted!

Back on 2018, I had shared another entry of my dog Lucy, who also had cancer and passed into the light. Jake and Lucy were friends for the longest here on earth, but are now heavenly and cosmic friends.

It is a heartbreaking experience to have to euthanize a pet, but there’s just no choice when they’re suffering day after day.

I thought I would share Jake’s death here on my blog.
It’s a memory! A mark in the flow of time for me, and he deserves it!

God bless