Trump, Trump and more Trump: 2016-2024

Screenshot taken Jan, 2024

  First and foremost, I really don’t have a political affiliation these days. My observations are without bias. That said, I took an interest in how much the MSM talks about Donald Trump, the former president of the US. It’s actually interesting as well as mind-blowing as to how much of the headlines are dominated by Trump–and have been for 8 years now.

I decided to log how many headlines are about Trump from the Big 5 outlets here in America. The log is from January 4, 2024 — January 11, 2024. Below, I have given the outlet for each day, and the number of headlines that are about Trump for each outlet over this 8 – day span of time. In total, there were 155 headlines about Trump combined within JUST 8 days. That’s honestly obsessive, because in my 44 years on earth, I’ve never seen the MSM give one man so much attention–good or bad–as Donald Trump.

Here is the log:

Jan 4, 2024:

CNN 1, ABC 2, Fox 0, MSNBC 5, NBC 3

Jan 5, 2024:

CNN 3, ABC 3, Fox 1, MSNBC 9, NBC 2

Jan 6, 2024:

CNN 4, ABC 1, Fox 2, MSNBC 6, NBC 3

Jan 7, 2024:

CNN 5, ABC 3, Fox 1, MSNBC 7, NBC 0

Jan 8, 2024:

CNN 3, ABC 5, Fox 2, MSNBC 6, NBC 4

Jan 9, 2024:

CNN 6, ABC 1, Fox 1, MSNBC 14, NBC 4

Jan 10, 2024:

CNN 8, ABC 2, Fox 2, MSNBC 8, NBC 5

Jan 11, 2024:

CNN 7, ABC 4, Fox 1, MSNBC 8, NBC 4


The times in which I recorded the number of headlines about Trump, taken from the BIG 5 MSM was conducted around 11:00 am — 2:00 pm daily for 8 days.

Billy Cahill

Antisimitism is Bad for America and Harvard

Taken from Google

  As everyone knows, the Israel-Hamas war is currently unfolding across the ocean, next to the Mediterranean. And here America is in the political division of the impact: Jews and Pro-Palestinians on the left side of the political sphere. Last week, there was a huge amount of coverages concerning the presidents of Harvard, UPENN and MIT. More than half of America wanted all three to RESIGN!

Not to mention, recently Harvard’s graduation included everyone but Jews. There was much exclusion within the realms of inclusion at the campus.

If one asked me if Harvard was antisimitic, I would have to say yes. The big question is: Why does Harvard choose to be antisemitic?

Some believe they take money from Qatar via donations, but I’m not too sure about that theory. Possibly, someone out there knows the answer to that rumor?

It doesn’t matter the reasoning, because antisimitism is wrong. Since when did we go back to the 1930’s in “progressive times”?

  I must say, I have Jewish friends and I see their frustration concerning the antisimitism and nazism going on across the country. It’s not a pretty thing. I, personally am not religious, or of abt Abrahamic religion–but am spiritual. I do believe this war is a spiritual war, and America don’t want to swing antisimic, lest there’s hell to pay.

There have also been many attacks against Jews in the past weeks, from California to Massachusetts these attacks have occurred. And personally, I don’t agree with Biden’s silence in fear he’s going to offend someone. The game of identity politics is starting to dwindle, as people are waking up to how divisive they’re becoming.

In light of my ranting, antisimitism is very hypocritical and bad for America, politically and spiritually. All these years, America mostly has condemned Hitler and the holocaust–but now antisemitism is being embraced by a small sect of the leftist politics.

Liberalism is supposed to be about inclusion, and that’s something the hard left needs to reflect upon in combination to actually being Antifascists, because there’s nothing more fascist than siding with Hitler.

We need to condemn antisemitism before it first out if hand, abd the last thing Biden needs on his watch, is this situation to keep escalating. It’s bad enough what’s happened already is on his watch, looking back at everything in retrospect from the near abd distant future.

Furthermore, I have no political affiliation at this time. My thoughts and sentiments are not influenced by politics, but spirituality.


Billy Cahill

Joe and Jill Biden honor the Veterans: patriotic vs. propaganda

With the election results almost closed, republicans scramble to understand behind the scene—a Biden administration in the making, it seems.
Some republicans still calling the election and vote shambolic, while others are learning more about Joe Biden. Joe Biden served as VP during the Obama Administration, but getting to know Joe at that time was on the back burner, as people were more focused on Obama himself. Now, Joe has pulled to the forefront after a year of chaos (2020), and concerns about Joe arise—communism, patriotism, socialism, fascism, etc. So many underlying questions caught up in the political fires and winds.
Seems Joe isn’t all that unpatriotic, given he surrounds himself with American flags, scripture, and has even talked about guns and protection. Of course, the propaganda makes it hard to see.
I, myself do not agree with Joe’s standing on healthcare (ACA), as I believe we need a better healthcare system altogether! Other policies, I do agree with such as taking better care of climate and environment. Nothing wrong with a cleaner earth.

We’ll see how Joe rolls the ball in the coming years—or will he last? Some think he may not last four years via health concerns.

Billy Cahill


Tarot: Election Prediction–Death + Ace of Cups (Emerging Light)

Written 11/9/2020

Before the election, I specifically asked the tarot what was in store–or who would win. The tarot revealed to me TWO cards: Death and Ace of Cup.

Let us note, there can be many perceptions and interpretations of these two cards. The Ace of Cups is an emerging light, as Death is indeed the darkness–something or someone doomed. Yet, after that doom comes a light to reveal something that wasn’t known. It’s the feeling of the cards! The vibe that springs forth; a popping of the senses, if you will.

THE doom / darkness that I’m feeling deals with a foolish flock of people, and something to deal with looking back in hindsight at some point within the future–of course looking back at these political times with great admiration yet a sense of gloom and dismal feelings. I do know there is indeed an earthquake that will occur not too long from now, but will it occur on Biden / Harris’s watch? If so, then this would indeed be part of these two cards of Death and the Ace of Cup.

I also feel there will be more political turmoil, no doubt! The question is, how far will it go? Will it go as far as death?

The Death Tarot Card has so much meaning right now with everything going on from COVID – 19, Election 2020, Pope, President, and unsettled two – party mob awaiting in the wings of the political scale–left and right to right and left–such a feeling of the unknown looming around the corner.

So much behind the scenes we can’t see right now, but it’s not all good. Keep in mind the Ace of Cups shows us a better time ahead, but not until after Death (literally or symbolically). The darkness must complete its cycle before emerging light comes forth (a light at the end of the very dark tunnel).

This, in my own way of interpretation, is what the Death card and Ace of Cups mean within combination.

By: William (Billy Cahill)

Psychic, North Carolina

High Point

Champ and Major: The Biden’s dogs

Image taken from Fox News

I noticed the two German shepherds Jill is posing with in the picture will be taken to the WH to live, and honestly anyone who loves dogs can’t be that bad, came to my mind in thought.
So, many conservatives believe Joe Biden is up to no good—and he’s some sort of Joseph Stalin.
I really have to question these thoughts and perceptions of the Biden, family, given how caring they seem to be.
Not to mention, the Biden family have been through some hell, as they’ve lost a son and the other, a once addiction struggler. So much turmoil, they seem to have overcame and prevailed.
Interesting! We’ll just have to wait and see how a Biden presidency will fancy along.
I believe everyone in America questions every new president, not knowing what to expect.
It’s reported Joe Biden received more votes than any other democrat in history—including Obama.
Something about him people must like, unless the election was shambolic like some believe.
I personally don’t have an opinion either way at the time.

Billy Cahill

November, 2020


Election Results 2020 ⭐️/ glad it is over

So, it seems we have a new president. While Joe Biden wasn’t my first choice, I hope him well.
My mind honestly swayed back and forth, left and right, and onward during this election process. I believe many people’s mind do! I’m neither party in all honesty, as I really don’t fit exactly under either one of them. Political affiliation changes with most ppl over time anyway, and no one can either agree or disagree with everything ONE party offers.

It will be interesting keeping up with the Biden and Harris families.

God Bless, and take care out there Americans!
Billy Cahill
